Episode 13: Accessing Gender Affirming Care in North Carolina | Listen Here
In this episode, we hear from Haven Oxenreider, Data & Software Lead at Pisgah Legal Services, who shares their experiences as a trans person in North Carolina, what it was like for him to access gender affirming care, and what resources are available to people who are interested in seeking gender affirming care for themselves.
Contact Haven: haven@pisgahlegal.org
Trans & Queer Health Project, Pisgah Legal Services: https://www.pisgahlegal.org/transhealthPisgahlegal.org/transhealth
Pisgah Legal Services: https://www.pisgahlegal.org/
Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project, Campaign for Southern Equality: https://southernequality.org/styep/
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund: https://transgenderlegal.org/
ACLU Transgender Rights: https://www.aclu.org/issues/lgbtq-rights/transgender-rights
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