In addition to the brief, Carolina Health Net provided the tips for using zooms as a resource for this brief.
Helpful Tips for Using Zoom.Participants
IHI Virtual Learning Hour: Telemedicine: COVID 19 and Beyond
IHI Virtual Learning Hour: Telemedicine: COVID 19 and Beyond
The Institute of Healthcare Improvement has hosted a virtual learning hour: Telemedicine: COVID 19 and Beyond.
Description of the virtual learning: During the COVID-19 pandemic, health care professionals have turned to telemedicine to remotely diagnose and monitor patients with suspected coronavirus infection, stay in touch with patients with COVID-19 symptoms that can be managed at home, and triage patients with more typical health issues. This Virtual Learning Hour explores what this means for the future of telemedicine once the pandemic subsides, and how the expanded use of telehealth is spreading critical COVID-19 knowledge and effective medical interventions to clinicians around the world.
National Donated Care Network Call- 4-17-20
National Donated Care Network Call- 4-17-20
The National Donated Care Network Call held on April 17th. Highlights include conversation about telehealth opportunities and challenges.
You Have Health Insurance Options
Donated Care Networks COVID-19 Response Call- April 3
Donated Care Networks COVID-19 Response Call- April 3
This is a zoom meeting recording of the Donated Care Networks response to COVID -19. We will be hosting these calls every 2 weeks.
Working from Home Tips
Working from Home Tips
Working from Home Tips provides guidance and lessons learned for working at home.
Immigrant Access to Health Care and Benefits in Time of Emergency (English and Spanish)
Immigrant Access to Health Care and Benefits in Time of Emergency (English and Spanish)
NC Justice Center produced this factsheet on immigrant access to health care in times of emergencies.
Spanish Version:
Know Your Rights: Unemployment and COVID-19
Know Your Rights: Unemployment and COVID-19
The NC Justice Center has developed a fact sheet on Know Your Rights: Unemployment and COVID -19.
Resources for Seniors to Get Groceries and Prescriptions- WRAL
Resources for Seniors to Get Groceries and Prescriptions- WRAL
The article from WRAL provides a list of resources to help seniors get food and prescriptions during the challenging times we are facing with COVID-19.
Here is the link to the article.